Electric Radiators
Electric Radiators
The metal ribs on the radiator form a six times greater surface area than a normal radiator. As a result of this, approximately 50% radiant heat as well as 50% convected heat is created, to give a much more consistent temperature throughout the room, from floor to ceiling.
Radiators are unique due to the metal ribs being individually spot welded which prevents any noise during the heating up and cooling down cycle.
When the Radiators have achieved their required temperature the thermostat will cut the power to the Radiator. The Radiator will continue to provide heat, (that has been stored in the Magmatic tablets), for up to 45 minutes with no further use of electricity. The Radiators will use approximately 20–30 minutes of electricity per hour, depending upon on the building fabric and outside temperature.
The heating conductors are produced from high quality chrome-nickel steel (resistant to scaling up to 1100 °C) which are moulded into the Magmatic tablet, reducing the risk of corrosion.
The contacts inside the radiators are protected with heat shrinkable insulated sleeves to ensure optimum safety. Multiple thermocouples within each radiator provide overheat protection for additional safety.
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9 Salmon Fields Business Village
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